January 14, 2010
Twin Cities Community Land Bank
Attention: Tom Streitz and Becky Rom
801 Nicollet Mall, Ste 1650
Minneapolis, MN. 55402
The purpose of this letter is to request Twin Cites Community Land Bank’s help in resolving the matter of several troubled properties in the Jordan neighborhood. The properties in question are 2200, 2206, 2210, and 2218 Irving Avenue North.
All of these properties are in seriously dilapidated condition, vacant, and are the primary cause of sagging property values in the immediate area. The property located at 2200 Irving N. is an “arson house” and is completely uninhabitable at this time. The other properties are also suffering from structural deficiencies which render them unsafe to inhabit. Additionally, the time leading up to the summer of 2009, these properties were all drug houses and served as focal point for criminal activity in Forest Heights area in the Jordan neighborhood.
The Jordan Area Community Council is asking that proactive action be taken on this matter. On behalf of the Council and the Jordan Neighborhood, we are requesting that the Twin Cities Community Land Bank take steps to acquire these troubled houses in an effort redevelop the properties, stop the free-fall of neighboring land values, and prevent further criminal activity from taking place at the properties in question.
The neighbors in the general area have agreed in principal that public acquisition of these properties is a logical first step in remedying this issue. Should your organization acquire these properties, it would nullify the risk of unscrupulous investors purchasing them; with the intent of renting to anyone, which would almost certainly result in an increase in criminal activity.
We look forward to working with you on this project, and hope to engage you in discussion very soon. Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.
Vladimir A. Monroe