JACC to send a letter supporting the St. Anne’s Senior Housing rehabilitation and that the neighborhood supports CommonBond Communities applying to the City of Minneapolis for Affordable Housing Trust Funds for the rehabilitation.
JACC approves contracting with BIKO Associates (see draft work plan, budget, and schedule) up to $29,000. Funding sources: NRP Greening Strategy 3.1.2 and all remaining funds available in NRP 26th Avenue Greenway 3.1.1
JACC will contract with the Minneapolis Police Department to purchase "buyback" hours in the amount of $10,000. Duration of contract will be July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 with the JACC Public Safety Committee with oversight authority over the administration of the contract. Funding source NPR strategy 1.1.3
Storage and equipment space at the JACC House granted to PCYC for the "2010 Summer Fun at Cottage Park!" youth program.
Letter of support to the City of Minneapolis in favor of the Emerson/Fremont Avenue Bike lanes projects.
Reclassification of $11,300 of NRP funds.
Intent to draw $25,000 JACC funds from NHS for operations, replacing shortfalls and working capital of $10,000.
The appointment of Dave Haddy to Represent JACC at the Twin Cities Greenways.