Sunday, October 31, 2010

2010 JACC Annual Meeting Photo Journal

Board member and Nominations Committee vice chair Denny Wagner addresses the packed room.
These seven posters were labeled with topics ready for members to weigh in their level of priority for the JACC organization to focus efforts. 
Dinner was catered by Banana Blossom restaurant. Fried rice, Chicken and Broccoli stir fry and egg rolls (empty tray  on the left!)
The meeting was held at the Boys and Girls club on Irving Ave. The room was located off the upper level that looked out over the gymnasium where kids played basketball.
John Zanmiller is a probation officer that works out of the Jordan neighborhood.  State Senator Linda Higgins serves the Jordan neighborhood at the state capitol and always helps JACC in any way she can.
Kids entertained each other  in the background of the meeting. 
Terry Egge and Marina who work for the Pohlad Family Foundations talk with a community member.
Lynn Riskadel served as the chair of the nominations committee and helped chair the annual meeting.  Here she is leading the bylaw voting process. 
Bylaw voting by community members. 
Here community members place their dots on their strategy topics.
Newly re-elected board member Todd Heintz places his dots on his choices. 
Community member Dan Rother (right) poses with Denny Wagner, longtime community member, board member and 2010 Nominations Committee Vice Chair.
Newly elected board member Grant Jansons (left) talks with Jordan resident and city council rep Don Samuels (center) and newly re-elected board member Eric Johnson (right)
Jordan resident and current candidate for county commissioner Roger Smithrud.
More members applying their dots to their choice of strategy posters. 

This community member came prepared to show support for his neighbor, Eric Johnson, who was running for re-election.
These community members posed for me right before they headed home for the night.  They were there to participate and show support for their neighbor, James Kpoto, who was elected to the board that night.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dot Poll Results from 10/28/10 Annual Meeting

• Beautification, Gardens, Clean Sweep (39)

o Sustainability Planning

o Green Spaces

o Jordan Pond, Change name, build it up

o Restoration of a few park benches, maybe a permanent barbeque grill under the pavilion

• Home ownership home improvement (49)

• Block Clubs And community Activities (33)

o How to encourage renters participation-mtgs tend to only have home owners

 (I second this)

o Prepare budget/support equal allocation “send money to start up block clubs”

• Youth (40)

o Can we do anything to secure jobs for our youth “Even paying them to clean trash off our streets”

o This boys and girls club facility is great but more programs at Jordan Park i.e. community ed. With youth Emphasis

o Lets help keep swim pool open here at boys and girls club.

• Transit (44)

o Light Rail, Light rail and street car

o Accelerate progress on the greenway bike route development

o Building stake holder participation

• Safety (54)

o Police By-backs

• Resources (10)

o Communication on what we have for resources

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Minutes of the Jordan Area Community Council Annual Election: The Neighborhood Elects Board Members & Approves New By-Laws

Tonight, an annual membership meeting of the Jordan Area Community Council was held at the Boys & Girls Club.  Tonight's agenda was the following:

First, the following committee reports were presented to the community:

Finance Report:

Housing & Development Committee Report:

Mr. Rother, yielded his time to the Pohlad Foundation for a report.  Terry Egge reported that in 2009, 45 homes were involved in the beautification project in Cottage Park.  In 2010, 55-60 homes were involved in the beautification project in Glengale Park project, which almost extended to Logan Pond.    Ms. Egge reported that PCYC's youth programs in Cottage Park increased from 40 to 200 kids.  They were involved in the painting at 26th and Penn.  St. Anne's put in the parking lot.  All of the home improvement loans were use (50 households).  Ms. Lyon reported that they anticipate a bike shop on 26th Avenue next year.  The Pohlad Foundation is also looking to have free Zuma classes next year for children.  Ms. Lyon announced the opening of Kindred Kitchen.

The JACC Annual Report was the following:


A motion was made, and seconded, to seat all candidates to the JACC Board of Director's by unanimous consent.  The motion passed and the following candidate were voted onto the board by the community as official representatives:

NRP Elector Elected:

Eric Johnson was unanimously elect the NRP Elector by the community.

New JACC By-Laws:

After a discussion, new provisions of the JACC By-laws were adopted and new by-laws were adopted.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee ~ Tuesday October 12th 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee
Tuesday October 12th 2010
Meeting at PCYC 2210 Oliver Avenue North
Proposed Agenda

6:30pm Sign in and Introductions

6:35pm Review September 2010 Minutes

6:40pm Approval of Agenda

6:45pm Penn Cluster updates and review – Jill Kiener and Eden Spencer

7:05pm Jordan Advantage Program – Eric Johnson

7:20pm Announcements

7:30pm Motion to Adjourn

Below are some of the properties that could be considered for further acquisitions in the Penn Cluster.

2634 Penn – Boarded / BNKRS TRS CO OF CA NA TRSTE
2926 Penn – Boarded / ANDRE SHANKS
2933 Penn – Condemned / FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN
2919 Penn – For Sale by Weighert Realtors 763.754.1400  / FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP
2737 Penn – For Sale by Remax Dalen Team 612.308.6759 / ESCORT SERVICE INC
2647 Penn – For Sale by Greg Yurick 612.296.7806 / AMES J CRAWFORD ETAL
2601 Penn – Boarded and Condemned / GREATER METRO HOUSING CORP
3001 Oliver – For Sale / CHARLES O PORTER III & WIFE
2823 Oliver – Vacant / KARLA ALLEY
2727 Oliver – Vacant / ARAFAT ELBAKRI
2723 Oliver – Vacant / DELTA REDEVELOPMENT LLC
2635 Oliver – Boarded / STEVEN J HEIDELBERGER
2627 Oliver – Boarded / JASON P SKLAR
2756 Queen – Boarded / TOM WALBERER
2215 29th Ave – Boarded / HENNEPIN FORFEITED LAND
2914 Queen – Vacant / PENTAGON MNGT GROUP LLC
2934 Queen – Vacant / WISDOM GROUP LLC
2938 Queen – Vacant / BANK OF NEW YORK TRUSTEE
2946 Queen – Boarded / HENNEPIN FORFEITED LAND

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Executive Committee Meeting Tomorrow‏

This is a reminder that there will be an executive committee meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm, at the JACC house.