Thursday, October 28, 2010

Minutes of the Jordan Area Community Council Annual Election: The Neighborhood Elects Board Members & Approves New By-Laws

Tonight, an annual membership meeting of the Jordan Area Community Council was held at the Boys & Girls Club.  Tonight's agenda was the following:

First, the following committee reports were presented to the community:

Finance Report:

Housing & Development Committee Report:

Mr. Rother, yielded his time to the Pohlad Foundation for a report.  Terry Egge reported that in 2009, 45 homes were involved in the beautification project in Cottage Park.  In 2010, 55-60 homes were involved in the beautification project in Glengale Park project, which almost extended to Logan Pond.    Ms. Egge reported that PCYC's youth programs in Cottage Park increased from 40 to 200 kids.  They were involved in the painting at 26th and Penn.  St. Anne's put in the parking lot.  All of the home improvement loans were use (50 households).  Ms. Lyon reported that they anticipate a bike shop on 26th Avenue next year.  The Pohlad Foundation is also looking to have free Zuma classes next year for children.  Ms. Lyon announced the opening of Kindred Kitchen.

The JACC Annual Report was the following:


A motion was made, and seconded, to seat all candidates to the JACC Board of Director's by unanimous consent.  The motion passed and the following candidate were voted onto the board by the community as official representatives:

NRP Elector Elected:

Eric Johnson was unanimously elect the NRP Elector by the community.

New JACC By-Laws:

After a discussion, new provisions of the JACC By-laws were adopted and new by-laws were adopted.

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