Monday, December 20, 2010

The Next JACC Safety Committee: This Wednesday, December 22, 2010

JACC Safety Committee
Proposed Agenda
Wednesday Dec 22 2010
JACC Office 2009 James Ave N

6:30 Sign in and introductions

6:35 Approval of Agenda

6:40 Update from Lt Heimerl

7:00 Neighborhood Concerns Discussion

7:30 Motion to adjourn

Friday, November 26, 2010

JACC Public Safety & Block Club Meeting Re-Scheduled to December 1, 2010 at 6:30 PM

For questions about the crime map, contact:

Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, 4th Precinct
(612) 673-5873

To Protect With Courage

To Serve With Compassion

Saturday, November 13, 2010

JACC Annual Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2010

JACC Board of Directors 2010-2011





Motion from the floor to vote by unanimous consent to seat all candidates for the JACC Board of Directors. Motion 2nded from floor. Motion carries.


Amy Blenker
David Haddy
Todd Heintz
Grant Jansons
Eric Johnson
James Kopoto
Norris Roberts


DW motions for Eric Johnson to be named NRP elector for JACC. AH 2nds. Motion carries



Section 3:

Amendment 1 FAILED
Amendment 2: FAILED


Section 1: FAILED
Section 2: FAILED
Section 3: PASSED


Section 4: FAILED
Section 5: PASSED
Section 6: FAILED


Section 4 B: FAILED
Section 4 C: PASSED


Section 2: PASSED


Motion from the floor to vote on amended, revised bylaws. 2nded.
Motion carried


Sunday, October 31, 2010

2010 JACC Annual Meeting Photo Journal

Board member and Nominations Committee vice chair Denny Wagner addresses the packed room.
These seven posters were labeled with topics ready for members to weigh in their level of priority for the JACC organization to focus efforts. 
Dinner was catered by Banana Blossom restaurant. Fried rice, Chicken and Broccoli stir fry and egg rolls (empty tray  on the left!)
The meeting was held at the Boys and Girls club on Irving Ave. The room was located off the upper level that looked out over the gymnasium where kids played basketball.
John Zanmiller is a probation officer that works out of the Jordan neighborhood.  State Senator Linda Higgins serves the Jordan neighborhood at the state capitol and always helps JACC in any way she can.
Kids entertained each other  in the background of the meeting. 
Terry Egge and Marina who work for the Pohlad Family Foundations talk with a community member.
Lynn Riskadel served as the chair of the nominations committee and helped chair the annual meeting.  Here she is leading the bylaw voting process. 
Bylaw voting by community members. 
Here community members place their dots on their strategy topics.
Newly re-elected board member Todd Heintz places his dots on his choices. 
Community member Dan Rother (right) poses with Denny Wagner, longtime community member, board member and 2010 Nominations Committee Vice Chair.
Newly elected board member Grant Jansons (left) talks with Jordan resident and city council rep Don Samuels (center) and newly re-elected board member Eric Johnson (right)
Jordan resident and current candidate for county commissioner Roger Smithrud.
More members applying their dots to their choice of strategy posters. 

This community member came prepared to show support for his neighbor, Eric Johnson, who was running for re-election.
These community members posed for me right before they headed home for the night.  They were there to participate and show support for their neighbor, James Kpoto, who was elected to the board that night.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dot Poll Results from 10/28/10 Annual Meeting

• Beautification, Gardens, Clean Sweep (39)

o Sustainability Planning

o Green Spaces

o Jordan Pond, Change name, build it up

o Restoration of a few park benches, maybe a permanent barbeque grill under the pavilion

• Home ownership home improvement (49)

• Block Clubs And community Activities (33)

o How to encourage renters participation-mtgs tend to only have home owners

 (I second this)

o Prepare budget/support equal allocation “send money to start up block clubs”

• Youth (40)

o Can we do anything to secure jobs for our youth “Even paying them to clean trash off our streets”

o This boys and girls club facility is great but more programs at Jordan Park i.e. community ed. With youth Emphasis

o Lets help keep swim pool open here at boys and girls club.

• Transit (44)

o Light Rail, Light rail and street car

o Accelerate progress on the greenway bike route development

o Building stake holder participation

• Safety (54)

o Police By-backs

• Resources (10)

o Communication on what we have for resources

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Minutes of the Jordan Area Community Council Annual Election: The Neighborhood Elects Board Members & Approves New By-Laws

Tonight, an annual membership meeting of the Jordan Area Community Council was held at the Boys & Girls Club.  Tonight's agenda was the following:

First, the following committee reports were presented to the community:

Finance Report:

Housing & Development Committee Report:

Mr. Rother, yielded his time to the Pohlad Foundation for a report.  Terry Egge reported that in 2009, 45 homes were involved in the beautification project in Cottage Park.  In 2010, 55-60 homes were involved in the beautification project in Glengale Park project, which almost extended to Logan Pond.    Ms. Egge reported that PCYC's youth programs in Cottage Park increased from 40 to 200 kids.  They were involved in the painting at 26th and Penn.  St. Anne's put in the parking lot.  All of the home improvement loans were use (50 households).  Ms. Lyon reported that they anticipate a bike shop on 26th Avenue next year.  The Pohlad Foundation is also looking to have free Zuma classes next year for children.  Ms. Lyon announced the opening of Kindred Kitchen.

The JACC Annual Report was the following:


A motion was made, and seconded, to seat all candidates to the JACC Board of Director's by unanimous consent.  The motion passed and the following candidate were voted onto the board by the community as official representatives:

NRP Elector Elected:

Eric Johnson was unanimously elect the NRP Elector by the community.

New JACC By-Laws:

After a discussion, new provisions of the JACC By-laws were adopted and new by-laws were adopted.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee ~ Tuesday October 12th 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee
Tuesday October 12th 2010
Meeting at PCYC 2210 Oliver Avenue North
Proposed Agenda

6:30pm Sign in and Introductions

6:35pm Review September 2010 Minutes

6:40pm Approval of Agenda

6:45pm Penn Cluster updates and review – Jill Kiener and Eden Spencer

7:05pm Jordan Advantage Program – Eric Johnson

7:20pm Announcements

7:30pm Motion to Adjourn

Below are some of the properties that could be considered for further acquisitions in the Penn Cluster.

2634 Penn – Boarded / BNKRS TRS CO OF CA NA TRSTE
2926 Penn – Boarded / ANDRE SHANKS
2933 Penn – Condemned / FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN
2919 Penn – For Sale by Weighert Realtors 763.754.1400  / FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP
2737 Penn – For Sale by Remax Dalen Team 612.308.6759 / ESCORT SERVICE INC
2647 Penn – For Sale by Greg Yurick 612.296.7806 / AMES J CRAWFORD ETAL
2601 Penn – Boarded and Condemned / GREATER METRO HOUSING CORP
3001 Oliver – For Sale / CHARLES O PORTER III & WIFE
2823 Oliver – Vacant / KARLA ALLEY
2727 Oliver – Vacant / ARAFAT ELBAKRI
2723 Oliver – Vacant / DELTA REDEVELOPMENT LLC
2635 Oliver – Boarded / STEVEN J HEIDELBERGER
2627 Oliver – Boarded / JASON P SKLAR
2756 Queen – Boarded / TOM WALBERER
2215 29th Ave – Boarded / HENNEPIN FORFEITED LAND
2914 Queen – Vacant / PENTAGON MNGT GROUP LLC
2934 Queen – Vacant / WISDOM GROUP LLC
2938 Queen – Vacant / BANK OF NEW YORK TRUSTEE
2946 Queen – Boarded / HENNEPIN FORFEITED LAND

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Executive Committee Meeting Tomorrow‏

This is a reminder that there will be an executive committee meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm, at the JACC house.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meeting Announcement: JACC Public Safety and Block Club Committee

Title: Public Safety and Block Club Committee

Date: Wednesday September 22, 2010

Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Repeats: This event repeats every month on the fourth Wednesday.

Location: PCYC 2210 Oliver Ave N

Notes: Use Penn to 23rd to Oliver Ave N

Committee Chair is Todd Heintz

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Minneapolis Police Precinct 4 (Sector 2) Update Last weeks maps‏ ~ JORDAN NEIGHBORHOOD

For questions, contact:

Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, 4th Precinct
(612) 673-5873

To Protect With Courage
To Serve With Compassion

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hey NoMi Residents, GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR CITY GOVERNMENT ~ Many opportunities to serve on City boards and commissions‏

Neighborhood and Community leaders,

Earlier this year the City of Minneapolis began making appointments to boards and commissions in a more streamlined way offering opportunities to be appointed to a board or commission two times each year. We are beginning the Fall cycle and this email is to share with you the information about the current openings as well as provide you with some resources to help your community stay informed. We would appreciate any assistance your organization could provide in getting the word out about these volunteer opportunities.

Current openings

On the City of Minneapolis Web site at you will find a list of vacancy notices. Positions are open until filled however applicants are encouraged to apply by October 1, 2010 as applications will be reviewed beginning October 4th.

There are over 100 open positions on 16 boards and commissions that include:

Basset Creek Watershed Management Commission
Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee (CLIC)
Citizen Environmental Advisory Committee (CEAC)
Civil Rights Commission
Civilian Police Review Authority
Heritage Preservation Commission
Housing Board of Appeals
Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission
Minneapolis Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities
Minneapolis Arts Commission
Minneapolis Telecommunications Network (MTN)
Public Health Advisory Committee (PHAC)
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
Shingle Creek Watershed Management Commission
Youth Violence Prevention Executive Committee
Zoning Board of Adjustment

Getting the Word Out: Helpful resources

Here are some resources to help your organization and community members become more informed about the current openings for these resident-based City boards and commissions.

Sign up to receive notices directly

As one way to help target our message in the future we have added an email subscription list for City board and commission vacancies. I encourage you to sign up to receive notices which will include those open during the regular two cycles and any interim vacancies. Additionally, please consider adding this link to any newsletter or Web site articles you might publish.

Sign up to receive e-mail updates on City Boards and Commissions

If the above link does not work please visit

Open house & live “chat” coming in March

As part of this updated process an online chat and an open house are planned to give folks an opportunity to learn more about the boards with openings.

Online chat:

Tuesday, Sept. 21, noon to 1 p.m.

To access the online chat visit

Open house:

Thursday, Sept. 23, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
City Hall Rotunda
350 S. 5th St.

Please check out the current openings and pass along this information.

Jennifer Lastoka
Neighborhood and Community Relations Department
City of Minneapolis
Tri Tech Center, Room 220
331 2nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Thursday, September 9, 2010

UPDATE: Jordan Neighborhood Annual Meeting and Elections

Jordan Neighborhood Annual Meeting and Elections
October 21, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
(Location to be determined)

Nominations for Board of Directors open through September 17, 2010.

Twelve openings available. These are volunteer (unpaid) positions.

Candidates must:

Live in the neighborhood (between West Broadway, Emerson and Lowry Avenues),

Own property in the neighborhood, or

Be employed by a business, non-profit or government organization located in the neighborhood

To nominate yourself or someone else, request a nomination packet from the Jordan Area Community Council (JACC) office by calling 612-353-3601 or e-mail request to

Board members are expected to be a member of at least one committee and attend at least two meetings a month (the board meeting and their committee meeting). Board members should expect to spend about 10 hours a month on Jordan-related activities (includes meeting time).

JACC Nominating Committee
2009 James Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Additionally, this year's annual meeting will include a community vote on proposed changes to the By-laws that govern the JACC. A reading of the proposed changes will take place on September 16, 2010 at 6:30pm at PCYC, 2210 Oliver Ave N (near The Capri Theatre, use Penn to 21st to Oliver Ave N)

Megan Goodmundson

Jordan, N Mpls, Minneapolis



ATTENDANCE: DH, EJ(acting chair), AB, LR, MM, JK, DW, KR (TH, TJ, KB absent)



DW motions to approve agenda, DH 2nds, motion carries


Tabled to after committee reports


DH motions for the formation of a Nominations Committee, with KR, LR and DW as the board representatives and allow the committee to add neighborhood participants as they come available.

AB 2nds. Motion carries


DH motions for MM, LR and JK to head a Board Retreat committee to not only prep orientation for new members but also strategic planning for JACC and community input. KR 2nds. Motion carries.


LR motions that JACC approve contract C-22433 as presented for the 26th Ave Greenway project. DW 2nds. Motion carries.




DR motions to sponsor North End Hardware Harvest Festival Sept. 18th for $100 and create committee to attend festival (LR and DH). DW 2nds, motion carries


DH motions to accept finance report. LR 2nds. Motion carries


DR motions to approve report. LR 2nds. Motion carries


Provisional approved with 3 day window for revisions


Sunday, September 5, 2010

JACC Board of Directors Meeting September 8, 2010 -- Proposed Agenda

Proposed Agenda
JACC Board of Directors Meeting
September 8, 2010
2210 Oliver Ave. N. (PCYC Building)
6:30 PM

I. Call to Order

II. Approve Agenda

III. Approve August 2010 Minutes

IV. Report: 2010 JACC Nominations Committee ~ Riskadel

V. Update: JACC Communications Committee ~ Riskadel

VI. Jordan Advantage 2010 Discussion ~ Johnson

VII. Report: Board Retreat Planning Committee (for Nov. '10)

VIII. Safety Committee Report
       a. Police Buy-Back  Hours ~ Heintz
       b. Level Three Sex Offender Concentration Issue ~ Wagner

IX. Housing Committee Report ~ Rother

X. Finance (Budget Report) ~ Wagner

XI. Community Forum


Note: October Meeting will be held at PCYC

JACC Communications Committee‏

JACC Communications committee will meet Tuesday September 7 at 7.30 at the JACC house.

Dicssion topic: redesign of the web page.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Public Safety ~ MPD Level Three Sex Offender Notification

Meeting Announcement ~ JACC Nominations Committee

The next meeting of the nominations committee will be held Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 6:30pm at the JACC office, 2009 James Ave North.

MPD Alert: Attention Residents regarding Copper Pipe Thefts‏

Fourth Precinct August 2010


The Fourth Precinct has seen a significant increase in Residential Burglaries to vacant homes where copper pipe or aluminum was taken or attempted. The map below indicates the highest concentration of these incidents.

What to keep and eye out for:

· Most burglars tend to be males between 30-50 years old
· Trucks and or cars parked or driving down alleys loaded with metal piping and or other household appliances.
· Suspects will walk up to the spigot (water connection) on the side of the house and pull on it to see if the copper pipe connection is loose indicting that the copper pipe has already been removed.
· A vacant house has an open door or window.
· The sound of breaking glass or other loud noises.
· You smell gas or see water coming from a house.
· Someone waiting or loitering in front or around a vacant house.
· A strange, occupied car in your alley or on the street.
· A person going door-to-door in a residential area, especially if one or more persons go to the rear of the home.

Call 911 immediately if you see any of the above.

Residents are the Key to Prevention.

If you have any information regarding these burglaries/thefts please contact the Fourth Precinct Investigation at 612-673-5014.

If you have questions, please contact your Crime Prevention Specialist:

Jennifer Waisanen at (612) 673-5873

Tim Hammett at (612) 673-2866

Copper Pipe Thefts

For questions, contact:

Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist

Minneapolis Police Department, 4th Precinct

(612) 673-5873

To Protect With Courage

To Serve With Compassion

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

JACC Board of Directors Meeting August 11, 2010 -- Proposed Agenda

Proposed Agenda

JACC Board of Directors Meeting

August 11, 2010

2210 Oliver Ave. N. (PCYC Building)
6:30 PM

I. Call to Order

II. Approve Agenda

III. Approve July 2010 Minutes

IV. Form 2010 JACC Nominations Committee

       a. Appoint Three Board Members and Two Community Members
V. Board Retreat Planning Committee (for Nov. '10)

VI. Committee Reports

       a. Exec. Committee ~ Biko Contract

       b. Safety ~ Heintz

       c. Housing ~ Rother

       d. Finance (Budget Report) ~ Wagner

       e. Grievance ~ Haddy

       f. Communication ~ Riskdale

           i. By-law reading in September
VII. Community Forum

VIII. Litigation Discussion (Closed Session) ~ Haddy


Note: The August, September and October Meetings will be held at PCYC

Change in polling place location for the Primary - Ward 5-Precinct 8 (Jordan)

Polling Place change for Ward 5-Precinct 8

River of Life Church becomes a double polling place for 5-8 and 5-10

August 2, 2010 (MINNEAPOLIS). The Minneapolis Office of Elections has designated River of Life Lutheran Church (in the gym) at 2200 Fremont Ave N, Mpls MN, 55411 as the new polling place for that Ward 5-Precinct 8 for both the Primary and the General election. Election officials were notified that a recent inspection found the building that had been designated as a polling place for Ward 5 Precinct 8 is currently unusable as a polling place.

River of Life Church is outside of the precinct but is nearby and also serves as the polling place for Ward 5 Precinct 10.

The Hennepin County Elections office will send a postcard to all registered voters in the precinct alerting them to the change. Signs at the former polling place will direct voters to the address of the new polling place.

For further information

The Minneapolis Office of Elections and Voter Registration is responsible for administering elections in the City of Minneapolis. For information about registering and voting in Minneapolis, or to serve as an election judge, residents can visit the Web site at or call Minneapolis 311, which can also be reached at (612) 673-3000 or TTY/TTD 612-673-2157.

Date Changed for the Housing Committee Due to Primary Election

The Housing Committee is meeting on Monday August 9th 6:30pm at PCYC instead of Tuesday the 10th to accommodate people attending the Primary Elections.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

JACC Communication Committee Meeting on August 5, 2010 ~ Proposed Agenda

Proposed Agenda
August 5, 2010 (Next Thursday)

7.30 PM

JACC House

Planned agenda:

1. Getting a web page, etc.

2. Continuing the discussion of the content of a new web page.

3. Deciding how often this committee meets and when.

Please join us.
Lynn Riskedal

JACC Public Safety Committee Report from the Committee Chair, Todd Heintz

Jennifer was on vacation. Lt Heimerl and I was at PCYC till about 715. No one else attended. We had a good discussion about crime and safety. He told me not to get discouraged by the attendance and the Lt said he and Jennifer will work with me to get this active.

JACC Public Safety Committee - Proposed Agenda for July 28, 2010

JACC Safety Committee
Proposed Agenda
Wednesday July 28 2010
2210 Oliver Ave. N. (PCYC Building)

6:30 Sign in and Introductions

6:35 Approval of Agenda

6:40 Update from Lt Heimerl, Jennifer Waisanen

7:00 Police buy-back program discussion and next Steps

7:15 Police gun buy-back program Discussion

7:20 Neighborhood Concerns Discussion

7:30 What is next

7:45 Motion to adjourn

Todd Heintz, Chair

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

JACC Safety Committee -- Next Meeting Scheduled for July 28, 2010

7/20/2010 Jordan Crime Map

The JACC Safety Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wed 7/28/2010 06:30 p.m. - 08:30 p.m. at 2210 Oliver Ave. N. (PCYC Building).

Agenda to follow if you have any suggestions let me know.

But first on the agenda will be Lt. Heimerl and Jennifer Waisanen if they can attend.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Todd Heintz
CHAIR, JACC Safety Committee

Click here for the Jordan Neighborhood policing plan.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

APPROVED ACTION ITEMS from JACC Board of Director's Meeting of July 14, 2010 (Draft List)

Pictured Above - Guest Speaker Vince Thomas

The JACC Board of Directors met on July 14, 2010, during a regularly scheduled board meeting, and passed the following 10 action items:

APPROVED MEETING MINUTES for June 2010 Meeting of the Board of Directors

The following at the meeting minutes of the JACC Board of Directors from the June 2010 meeting, approved on July 14, 2010:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

JACC Board of Directors Meeting July 14, 2010 -- Proposed Agenda

Proposed Agenda

JACC Board of Directors Meeting
July 14, 2010
2210 Oliver Ave. N. (PCYC Building)
6:30 PM

I. Call to Order
II. Approve Agenda
III. Approve June 2010 Minutes
IV. Guest Speakers ~ Discussion (subject to arrivals of speakers)

     a. Vincent Thomas, Director of Development
         Kwanzaa Community Church in Minneapolis
     b. David Snyder, Community Organizer
         Jewish Community Action
     c. Jackie Cherryhomes, Todd Elkins of Urban Home Works, and Mark Bollinger the Executive Director of Facilities at Minneapolis Public Schools, Lynn R. Littlejohn, Director of Community Affairs for Mortenson Construction

V.  Executive Committee Vacancy
VI. Office Space
VII. Committee Reports
     a. Youth ~ Helen H.
     b. Safety ~ Heintz
         i.  Police Buy-Back Hours
     c. Litigation and Grievance ~ Haddy
     d. Housing ~ Rother

          i. The Housing and Development Committee recommends that JACC supports the preliminary design proposed by Mortenson/Legacy for the Minneapolis Public Schools New Headquarters Building to be built at 1250 West Broadway.
          ii. The Housing and Development Committee recommends to the Board that JACC supports Alliance Housing/Gateway Lofts' application for variances and a conditional use permit. The variances are for a front yard set back, side yard set back, utility location/trash enclosure/arbor, and the height of the two small walls that are between W. Broadway and the drive down to the parking ramp. The project requires a conditional use permit because there are more than 5 units in the development.
         iii. The Housing and Development recommends that JACC supports the Lowry Avenue Strategic Plan and proposed zoning changes for the Lowry area at the August 2010 Board meeting after Mr. Thomas Leighton's presentation.
     e. Finance (Budget Report) ~ Wagner
     f. Communication ~ Johnson

VII. Community Forum

VIII. Adjourn

Note: The August, September and October Meetings will be held at PCYC

Friday, July 9, 2010

JACC Housing & Development Committee ~ Proposed Agenda for July 13, 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee
Proposed Agenda
Tuesday July 13th 2010

Location: Plymouth Christian Youth Center (PCYC)
2210 Oliver Avenue North

6:30pm Introductions

6:35pm Approval of Agenda

6:40pm Review of June Minutes

6:45pm Zoning Lowry Avenue -Thomas Leighton

7:05pm Gateway Lofts – Kris Brogan

7:15pm School District Headquarters - Tod Elkins and Archie Givens

7:25pm 26th Ave Bikeway Greenway Update – Georgianna Yantos

7:40pm Announcements

7:50pm Adjourn

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saturday Morning (July 10, 2010) at Jordan Community Garden‏

Dear Green Thumb Neighbors,

This Sat. July 10th we are meeting beginning at 8:00 AM to tend our community garden. Come join in and see how much the garden has grown since the renovation last summer. Be sure to bring garden tools and gloves as we will be weeding. Muffins, bagels and juice will be provided. If you like to drink coffee, please bring your own.

Hope to see you this Sat.


Deb Wagner

P.S. If you have funky gardening clothes or hat please wear as there will be photo ops. We are looking for photos to post in the sign board in the garden and for the Jordan Community Council newsletter, the JACC Flash.

JACC APPROVED ACTION: JACC's Letter of Support for the Bike Lanes

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

ANOUNCEMENT: The JACC Executive Committee Will Meet Tomorrow at 7:30 pm at the JACC House

The meeting of the Executive Committee tonight has been cancelled.
It is rescheduled for Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 7:30 pm.
The meeting location is 2009 James Avenue N.

Minneapolis Police Precinct 4 (Sector 2) Update/Weekly Crime Maps‏ July 7, 2010

For questions, contact:

Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, 4th Precinct
(612) 673-5873

To Protect With Courage
To Serve With Compassion

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Community Advisory ~ 7/1/2010 ~ Door to Door Sales of Residential Burglar Alarms

The Minneapolis Police Department would like to advise residents that it has received information of unlicensed door to door residential alarm salesmen operating in the 4th Precinct.

According to information received these unlicensed sales people are also implying that they are operating with the consent of the City of Minneapolis by telling people "The City wants us out here."

They are approaching houses with systems, saying they are with Monitronics and GE, and they'd like to test the existing system to make sure it's working properly.

These sales people are NOT operating with the consent or at the behest of the Minneapolis Police Department or the City of Minneapolis.

All door to door sales people in Minneapolis must be licensed, and must carry their license with them. They must produce their license when asked.

No legitimate alarm service provider will ask you if they can "test" your existing system. Do not disclose any information about your existing security system to anyone who knocks on your door.

If you do encounter someone selling security systems door to door, ask to see their Peddler's License. If they cannot produce one, they are not legitimate. Do not let them into your home, and by no means should you discuss the details of your home security system with them. Note their description and clothing, their direction of travel, and call 911 to report unlicensed solicitation and suspicious activity.

If you are considering having a security system installed, please review the information at the following link first:

The MPD also wishes to remind people that even the best home burglar alarm is not a substitute for good home security practices, adequate doors, windows, locks, lighting and landscaping. For more information on good home security practices, please see the following links:

For a free home security survey, please contact your area Crime Prevention Specialist:

Broadway to Dowling: Jennifer Waisanen - 673-5873

South of Broadway: Tim Hammett - 673-2866.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

City Attorney's Office Criminal Prosecution Key Results‏

Neighborhood partners:

Attached is a link to our annual summary of key criminal prosecution results for the City Attorney’s Office. As our neighborhood partners, I thought it might be of interest to you.

Document Link:

As you may know, the City Attorney’s Office has a community prosecutor housed in each of the five police precincts. If you ever have any questions related to livability/ misdemeanor/ gross misdemeanor crime in your neighborhood, please feel free to contact them.

First Precinct: Lois Conroy 673-5526

Second Precinct: Jodi Furness 673-2883

Third Precinct: Paula Kruchowski 673-2662

Fourth Precinct: Laufele Murphy 673-2801

Fifth Precinct: Chris Dixon 673-5402

Martha Holton Dimick is the Criminal Division Deputy and can also assist in responding to questions you might have. She can be reached at our City Hall offices: 673-2010.

Have a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday.

Susan Segal


Susan Segal
Minneapolis City Attorney
350 South 5th Street, Rm. 210
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Fax: 612-673-3811

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Minneapolis Police Precinct 4 (Sector 2) Update/Weekly Crime Maps‏ for June 28, 2010

For questions, contact:

Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, 4th Precinct
(612) 673-5873

To Protect With Courage
To Serve With Compassion

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Message from Todd Heintz ~ Chair of the JACC Public Safety Committee

Jennifer and Lt. Heimerl will be attending theJACC Safety Committee and requested to be first on the Agenda.

Todd Heintz

A Message from Daniel Rother ~ Co-Chair of the JACC Housing and Development Committee

Below is the community notification for the redevelopment of the lots located at 27th and Broadway. Alliance Housing is seeking a conditional use permit and a variance for the block bound by Thomas, 27th, and West broadway. JACC has reviewed and supported the project concept last year and should consider supporting the the conditional use & variance too.

Daniel Rother

Thursday, June 17, 2010

JACC Grievance and Litigation Commitee Meeting‏ on June 18, 2010

The grievance and litigation meeting will be held Friday June 18 at 8:30 pm at the JACC House 2009 James ave N.

The grievance portion of the meeting is open to the public, but due to legal confidentiality the Litigation portion will be closed to the public. Please send questions regarding this meeting to

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Minneapolis Police Precinct 4 (Sector 2) Update/crime maps‏ for June 15, 2010

For questions, contact:

Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, 4th Precinct
(612) 673-5873

To Protect With Courage
To Serve With Compassion

Draft Agenda for JACC Public Safety Committee & Message from the JACC Public Safety Chair

Hello all,

This is my proposed agenda, I rescheduled the meeting for next week Wednesday because I am unable to attend this week and I was unable to find someone to run the meeting. I will put a note on the JACC Office door in case someone does not get this notice. I believe we have to many issues that we need to work on in the Jordan Community to skip a meeting and we need to keep this going and get more people involved.

Let me know if you have any questions

Todd Heintz
JACC Public Safety Chair
Click "Read more" for proposed agenda

JACC APPROVED ACTION: JACC's Letter of Support for the AutoZone

Click "Read more" for the Handouts from WCA

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Message from Vladimir Monroe

The following is a message from Vladimir Monroe.  We whole-heartedly thank Vladimir for all of his volunteer hours as member and Board Chair.* 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

APPROVED ACTION ITEMS from JACC Board of Director's Meeting of June 9, 2010 (Draft List)


JACC to send a letter supporting the St. Anne’s Senior Housing rehabilitation and that the neighborhood supports CommonBond Communities applying to the City of Minneapolis for Affordable Housing Trust Funds for the rehabilitation.


JACC approves contracting with BIKO Associates (see draft work plan, budget, and schedule) up to $29,000. Funding sources: NRP Greening Strategy 3.1.2 and all remaining funds available in NRP 26th Avenue Greenway 3.1.1


JACC will contract with the Minneapolis Police Department to purchase "buyback" hours in the amount of $10,000. Duration of contract will be July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 with the JACC Public Safety Committee with oversight authority over the administration of the contract. Funding source NPR strategy 1.1.3

Storage and equipment space at the JACC House granted to PCYC for the "2010 Summer Fun at Cottage Park!" youth program.


Letter of support to the City of Minneapolis in favor of the Emerson/Fremont Avenue Bike lanes projects.


Reclassification of $11,300 of NRP funds.


Intent to draw $25,000 JACC funds from NHS for operations, replacing shortfalls and working capital of $10,000.


The appointment of Dave Haddy to Represent JACC at the Twin Cities Greenways.

APPROVED MEETING MINUTES for MAY 2010 Meeting of the Board of Directors

On June 10, 2010, the Board of Director for the Jordan Area Community Council Approved the following meeting minutes as submitted by the JACC Secretary:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

JACC Housing & Development Committee ~ Proposed Agenda for June 8, 2010

JACC Housing & Development Committee

Proposed Agenda

Tuesday June 8th 2010

2210 Oliver Avenue North

6:30 Sign in and introductions

6:35 May Meeting Minutes

6:40 Approval of Agenda

6:45 Boom car enforcement

7:00 26th Avenue Greenway

7:15 The Lowry Avenue Plan

7:45 Announcements

7:50 Motion to adjourn

*This month we will be meeting at PCYC - 2210 Oliver Avenue North, near the Capri Theater. To enter the building late just ring the door-bell next to the ramp.

Please Note: This months JACC Board meeting on Wednesday June 9th will also be held at PCYC.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

JACC Board of Directors Meeting June 9, 2010 -- Proposed Agenda

Proposed Agenda
JACC Board of Directors Meeting
June 9, 2010
2210 Oliver Ave. N. (PCYC Building)
6:30 PM

I. Call to Order

II. Approve Agenda

III. Approve May 2010 Minutes

IV. Guest Speakers ~ Discussion

          a. CDC
          b. Habitat for Humanity
          c. Bikeway

V.  Committee Reports

          a. Finance (Budget Report) ~ Wagner
          b. Housing ~ Rother
          c. Communication ~ Johnson
          d. Exec. ~ Monroe
          e. Safety ~ Heintz
          f. Litigation & Grievance ~ Haddy

VI. Community Forum

VII. Adjourn.

DRAFT Proposed Agenda JACC Housing and Development Committee Tuesday June 8th 2010‏

JACC Housing & Development Committee

DRAFT Proposed Agenda
Tuesday June 8th 2010
2009 James Avenue North

6:30 Sign in and introductions

6:35 May Meeting Minutes

6:40 Approval of Agenda

6:45 Boom car enforcement

6:50 The Lowry Avenue Plan

7:15 26th Avenue Greenway recommendations from CPED

7:30 New headquarters for Mpls Schools on West Broadway plan review

7:45 Conditional use permit and variance for St Annes Church

8:00 Motion to adjourn

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Photo Journal of the May 11, 2010 JACC Board of Directors Meeting

Bill Smith of Biko & Assoc. presenting on
the 26th Avenue Greenway Project

Jordan Youth Requesting Board Support
for a Day-Shift Hmong Speaking Police Officer

Jay Clark from CURA also Presented
Reasons for a day shift Hmong Speaking
Police Officer in NoMi

Listening to the Presentation

Saturday, May 8, 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee -- Proposed Agenda for Tuesday May 11, 2010

JACC Housing and Development Committee
Proposed Agenda for Tuesday May 11th 2010
Location: 2009 James Avenue North

6:30 Motion to accept Agenda

6:40 April 2010 Meeting Minutes

6:50 Connie M. Beckers, dba The Goddess of Glass & Friends ~ Gift Gallery & Custom Framing 2205 Lowry Avenue

7:00 Northside Housing Services, NHS board of directors approved $100,000 home loan subject to the JACC's approval

7:15 Robert Porter, Northside Community Development Corporation seeking a Representative from Jordan

7:30 Chris Bently, PPL - Proposed rehab of 4-plex at 2521 Girard Avenue North

7:45 Auto Zone

8:00 Motion to adjourn

JACC holds regular open meetings and encourages all interested parties in any issue to attend and participate. Also, all written information of the Jordan Area Community Council (including books, minutes, membership lists, etc.) is available for review by every member of this organization. The Jordan Area Community Council will deviate from this rule only in case of labor and legal disputes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

JACC Board of Directors Meeting May 12, 2010 -- Proposed Agenda

Proposed Agenda
JACC Board of Directors Meeting
May 12, 2010
2009 James Avenue N.
6:30 PM

I. Call to Order
II. Approve Agenda
III. Ratify April 2010 Minutes
IV. Guest Speakers
     a. Jay Clark, CURA - Hmong Police Officer
     b. Bill Smith, Biko & Assoc. - 26th Avenue Greenway
V. Implication of Judgment and Next Steps
VI. Committee Reports
   a. Housing
   b. Finance
   c. Communication
   d. Exec. Committee
VII. General Meetings
   a. Reading of the Bylaws
   b. Voting on the Bylaws
VIII. Clean Sweep
IX. Community Forum
X. Adjourn.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Minneapolis Police Crime Map for NoMi-Jordan

The above is the latest crime map for the Jordan Neighborhood (Minneapolis Police Precinct 4 (Sector 2) Update).